Technology & Software Chart of Accounts

A comprehensive accounting structure tailored for technology & software businesses

Why Use This Template?

A well-structured Chart of Accounts is essential for accurate financial tracking and reporting in the technology & software sector. This template includes industry-specific accounts and categories designed to match your business operations.

How to Use This Template

  1. Review the account structure below
  2. Download in your preferred format (CSV or PDF)
  3. Customize account codes and names as needed
  4. Import into your accounting software

Chart of Accounts

Account Code Account Name Category Type Description
1101 Cash Asset Current Asset Physical cash and bank accounts
1102 Accounts Receivable Asset Current Asset Money owed by clients for software products or services
1103 Software License Inventory Asset Current Asset Inventory of software licenses available for sale or deployment
1201 Computer Equipment Asset Fixed Asset Cost of computers, servers, and related hardware
1202 Office Equipment Asset Fixed Asset Cost of office furniture and equipment
1401 Prepaid Software Subscriptions Asset Prepayment Payments made in advance for third-party software subscriptions
2101 Accounts Payable Liability Current Liability Money owed to vendors and service providers
2102 Deferred Revenue Liability Current Liability Revenue received in advance for software services yet to be delivered
2103 Taxes Payable Liability Current Liability Taxes owed to government authorities
3101 Owner's Equity Equity Equity Owner's initial and additional investments in the business
3102 Retained Earnings Equity Equity Cumulative profits retained in the business
4101 Depreciation Expense Expense Depreciation Allocation of fixed asset costs over time
4201 Cost of Software Development Expense Direct Costs Direct costs associated with software development, including developer salaries
4202 Cloud Hosting Costs Expense Direct Costs Expenses for cloud infrastructure and hosting services
4301 Office Rent Expense Overhead Cost of office space rental
4302 Utilities Expense Expense Overhead Cost of utilities such as electricity, internet, and water
4303 Software Subscriptions Expense Overhead Subscriptions to third-party tools and software
4304 Salaries and Wages Expense Overhead Salaries and wages of non-development staff
5101 Software Sales Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue generated from the sale of software products
5102 Subscription Revenue Revenue Revenue Recurring revenue from software subscriptions
5103 Service Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue from professional and technical services